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  • 01
    Keep Calm: It’s Christmas (Nearly)
    January 1, 1970 12:00 am - January 1, 1970 12:00 am
    IT’S CHRISTMAS!! GET READY TO JINGLE YOUR WAY TO THE MOST EXCITING NETWORKING EVENT OF THE YEAR The Keep Calm series is back with its festive edition: Keep Calm! It’s Christmas! (nearly) on 30th November 2023 at Crystal Waters Global where you can enjoy delicious canapes with free-flow beer, wine & soft drinks. Do all this surrounded by the lap of luxury in this beautiful, converted villa! Christmas would not be the same without presents! Don’t forget our lucky draw, prizes this month include 3 dental vouchers from Picasso Dental for a 30% discount on all services and treatments, 2 massage vouchers sponsored by Prive Spa, and a 15-year-old Whisky bottle! Register now, as spaces are limited.

    Interested in sponsoring an event?

    Contact us via enquiries@britchamvn.com

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