British Corporate Advocacy Council

The British Corporate Advocacy Council (BCAC) was formed in 2017, with a forward look to the post-Brexit business environment, as a forum for advocacy work on behalf of members and to provide a platform to frame BritCham Vietnam’s business advocacy policy. BCAC members pay a membership fee which contributes towards the costs of BritCham Vietnam being a full member of the Vietnam Business Forum (VBF), which has a direct business voice with the Vietnamese Government. BritCham Vietnam obtained VBF member status in November 2018.

Members of BCAC

  • First and Last Name
  • Company
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • How can we help?
(*) All personal data are processed in accordance with UK data
Protection Legislaton. All feasible security measures are in place.
  • Name
  • Email
(*) All personal data are processed in accordance with UK data
Protection Legislaton. All feasible security measures are in place.
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